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Svmer is icumen in
(MS. Harley 978, early 13th century)
Svmer is icumen in,
Lhude sing, cuccu!
Groweş sed and bloweş med
and springeş şe wude nu.
Sing cuccu!
Awe bleteş after lomb,
lhouş after calue cu,
Bulluc sterteş, bucke uerteş,
Murie sing cuccu!
Cuccu, cuccu,
Wel singes şu cuccu.
ne swilk şu nauer nu!
Sing cuccu nu, sing cuccu!
Sing cuccu, Sing cuccu nu!)
Go Heart, Hurt with Adversity
(MS. Ashmole 191, 15th century)
Go hert, hurt with adversite,
And let my lady thy woundes see,
And say her this, as I say thee:
"Fare wel my joy and welcome pain
Til I see my lady again!"
(Accompanied by music for three voices)