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Some Introductions and Studies:

  • Barlow, Frank. The Feudal Kindom of England 1042-1216. London 1972.
  • Bishop, Morris. The Pelican Book of the Middle Ages. Harmondsworth 1971.
  • Falkus, Malcolm and John Gillingham (Eds.). Historical Atlas of Britain. London 1981.
  • Hallam, Elizabeth (Ed.). The Plantagenet Chronicles. London 1986.
  • Hallam, Elizabeth (Ed.). Chronicles of the Age of Chivalry. London 1987.
  • Hallam, Elizabeth (Ed.). The Chronicles of the Wars of the Roses. London 1988.
  • Hallam, Elizabeth (Ed.). The Plantagenet Encyclopedia: An Alphabetical Guide to 400 Years of English History. London 1990.
  • Lexikon des Mittelalters. München/Zürich 1980ff. [Eintrag s.v. 'England'].
  • Matthew, Donald. Atlas of Medieval Europe. London 1983.
  • Myers, A. R. England in the Late Middle Ages. Harmondsworth 1971.
  • Haan, H, K.-F. Krieger und G. Niedhart. Einführung in die englische Geschichte, hg. v. G. Niedhart. München 1982.
  • Stenton, Doris Mary. English Society in the Early Middle Ages 1066-1307. Harmondsworth 1965.
  • Wilkinson, B. The Later Middle Ages in England 1216-1485. London 1969.
Further Reading: The Period
The Period