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Picture of Yulia Zinova
Abteilung für Computerlinguistik
Institut für Linguistik
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1
40225 Düsseldorf

Office hours:
+49 (0)211 81-13605
+49 (0)211 81-03170
by appointment

Research Interests

  • Deep Learning
  • Explainable AI
  • Machine Learning in Low-Resource Setting
  • Distributional Semantics
  • Frame Semantics, Semantic Composition with Frames, Decomposition of Event Structure
  • Morphology-Semantics Interface
  • Pragmatics, Optimality Theory, Game Theory, Rational Speech Act Theory
  • Syntax-Semantics Interface
  • Tree Adjoining Grammars
  • Aspect, Semantics of Aspect
  • Verbal Morphology, Semantics of Verbal Affixes
  • Slavic Linguistics


I have defended my PhD thesis on aspect and multiple prefixation in Russian (supervised by Laura Kallmeyer and Hana Filip). In my dissertation, I have addressed both theoretical and computational problems of verbal prefixation and aspect. The main goal was to provide semantics for verbal affixes and construct morphology-semantics interface in such way that both the existence and the aspect of a given combination of affixes with the stem (in the non-lexicalized domain) could be predicted. I have developed (and partially implemented) a system that predicts the existence, semantics, and properties of complex verbs using basic morphological, syntactic, and semantic principles.
In COVID time I've taken and successfully completed a series of machine learning classes, followed by the relevant summer schools. My current biggest passion is the combination of machine learning and symbolic approaches. I believe that both linguistic theory and machine learning can greatly profit by information exchange between them. I am especially interested in looking at morphology, semantics and pragmatics through the lens of a language model in order to understand better what kind of information is represented by the model and what can we learn about the data through discovering certain patterns in it.

Last modified: Jul 10, 2023 / zinova@phil.uni-duesseldorf.de