Automata Theory and Formal Languages
Room:, Tuesdays 12:30-16:00
Tentative course schedule
- 9 October -- Introduction, Mathematical preliminaries. HW1: exercises 0.1 -- 0.13 (from 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6 select any two letters)
- 16 October -- Finite automata, Deterministic automata. HW2: exercises 1.3, 1.4 (e, g), 1.5d, 1.6 (g, h)
- 23 October -- NDFA, Regular languages, closure properties. HW3: 1.7c, 1.8b, 1.9b, 1.10b, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.19a, 1.20 b,c
- 30 November -- Pumping lemma for RL, minimization. HW4: 1.24, 1.28 b, 1.29 b (try to solve 1.29 a and 1.29 c on your own, then you can look into the solutions), 1.30, 1.31, 1.46a, 1.48
- 6 November -- Context-free languages, Chomsky normal form, Pushdown automata. HW 5 due 20 Nov: 1.46 c,d; 1.49; 1.54; 2.4 c, e; 2.6 b; 2.15; 2.26
- 13 November -- No class!
- 20 November -- Pumping lemma for PDA/context-free languages. HW6: 2.15, 2.16, 2.26, 2.30 (a, b)
- 27 November -- Church-Turing thesis, Turing Machines. HW7: 2.31, 2.36, provide a formal definition or a state diagram for M4 (example 3.12)
- 4 December -- Turing Machines. HW8: check language-device correctness from the other group; use Turing Machine Simulator and modify the code M4.txt
(see the dropbox folder) to also work for empty words (accept #1#10#; #1#10##00; reject #1##10#, ##1#10##00)
- 11 December -- Undecidability. HW9: 3.9, 3.14, 4.2, 4.13 (select 3 out of 4 tasks)
- 18 December -- P and NP, Turing
- 8 January -- Decidability - continuation
- 15 January -- Polynomial time, P and NP, NP-complete problems
- 22 January -- Review and repeat
- 29 January -- Exam
Homework Rules
- Exercises are taken from the book that you can find in the materials folder at the bottom of the page
- Homeworks can be done individually or in pairs
- Homeworks are always due at the next class. You can submit them via email, at the secretary or in person at the beginning of the class.
- Homeworks are discussed at the beginning of the next class, so no late submissions are allowed. In case of illness please contact me personally.
- Unless otherwise indicated, homework assignment numbers refer to exercises in the course book. The book is available if you are in the university network, individual pages can be printed out/saved.
- If you submit via email, please observe the following rules:
- use either .phil.hhu address or my gmail address, but not the general university address.
- you file name should clearly indicate you name/names and the assignment number (e.g. Ex1-Zinova.pdf);
- inside the file, both you name and your Matrikelnummer should be provided (I usually print your exercises out)
- in the theme of the email, write "FLAT18 - Homework 1 by A (and B)". This will ensure that it does not get lost.
For both BN and AP:
- all homework submitted in a reasonable condition.
For an AP:
Interactive Automaton Simulator
Turing Machine Simulator
Materials appear here