Tree Adjoinig Grammars

XMG - eXtensible MetaGrammar (1)

10. December 2012

Laura Kallmeyer, Timm Lichte

Setting up the system on your account

The XMG-tools are part of a virtual machine (VM), that needs to be startet with VirtualBox.

The command to start the XMG-compiler is MetaTAG. Try the following:
$ MetaTAG gimpl-xtag-1.xmg

The layout of XMG source files

Have a look at the XMG source file:
$ less gimpl-xtag-1.xmg

It contains a small metagrammar for the alphanx0V tree template, i.e. a transitive verb in base order.

The XMG source file basically has four sections:


In the first section, types, properties and features are specified.

Descriptions of tree fragments and tree templates

Descriptions of tree fragments and tree templates consist of class declarations, which contain the following:


The evaluation the class alphanx0V is invoked by:
valuation alphanx0V

A comprehensive XMG-documentation

Timm Lichte
Last modified: Sun Dec 9 22:36:42 CET 2012