Grammar Implementation with TAG

The XTAG-System (1)

27. April 2011

Timm Lichte

Setting up the system on your account

The XTAG-tools are part of a virtual machine (VM), that needs to be startet with VirtualBox.

Bingo: You should see an archaic gnome desktop.

The components of the XTAG-System


The Morphological database

Morphological Analyzer and Morph Database: Consists of appr. 317000 inflected items derived from over 90000 stems. Returns root form, POS, and inflectional information.

We will take a look at the maintenance interface of the morphological database. It allows to add, edit or view entries of the morphological database. Please type ... Unfortunately, this does not work yet.

Instead, open the file ~/Software/morph-1.5/data/morph_english.flat via the file browser, or type the following in the terminal

$ cd /home/xtaguser/Software/morph-1.5/data
$ less morph_english.flat
and lookup some interesting words:
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POS Tagger/POS Blender

The basis for tree selection of the parser is the presence of a POS tag on every word of the input. For those lexical items that cannot be assigned a POS tag via the Morphological Analyzer, the POS tagger is used. The POS Blender makes the final decision about the POS tag a word receives. It uses the output of the POS tagger as a filter on the output of the morphological analyzer. Any words that are not found in the morphological database are assigned the POS given by the tagger.

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Syn DB

Syntactic Database: More than 30000 entries. Each entry consists of: uninflected form of the word, POS, list of trees or tree-families associated with the word, and a list of feature equations that capture lexical idiosyncrasies.

We will take a look at the maintenance interface of the syntatic database. Please run

$ ~/Software/synedit
and load the following file via File => Open:
The interface can now be used to search the database or to view or edit entries.
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Trees DB

Tree Database: 1004 trees, divided into 53 tree families and 221 individual trees. The tree families represent subcategorization frames; the trees in a tree-family would be related to each other transformationally in a movement-based approach.

Various tools for the access to the two databases are available.

  1. $ english [regexp] can be used to view individual trees from the grammar. Any regular expression can be used to match the tree names, for example: english ^betaN[0-9]*
    will display all the relative clause trees.

  2. $ english [regexp1] [regexp2] can be used to view trees in families from the grammar. Any tree family that matches [regexp1] and then each tree in that family which matches [regexp2] is displayed. For example:
    $ english ^Tnx0Vnx1$ ^alphaW[0-1]*
    will display all wh-extraction trees from the transitive tree family
  3. $ english [word] [regexp] can be used to view all trees lexicalized by [word]. In addition, the list of all such trees can be filtered by using the optional [regexp] parameter. Use ".*" if you want to see all selected trees. For example:
    $ english aim "for"
    will show only the trees that are anchored by the word "aim" and coanchored by the preposition "for". To see all trees for "aim", run the command:
    $ english aim ".*"
    To see a transitive and an intransitive version of an elementary tree for "bought", run
    $ english bought "alphanx0Vnx1\[bought\]"
    $ english bought "alphanx0Vnx2nx1\[bought\]"
Using the tree display window:
right mouse button: next tree
left mouse button: previous tree
key 'f': show features
key 'q': exit
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The parser

The parser works in two steps. During tree selection, for each word, tree templates are chosen from the Tree database and the anchor position is filled with the word. POS tagging is decisive during this step: the set of POS tags corresponds exactly to the set of anchor nodes. This allows to establish a correspondence between words and elementary trees. During tree grafting, parsing is done. The output is a parse forest from which derived trees and derivation trees can be extracted.
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Timm Lichte (Thanks to Wolfgang Maier!)
Last modified: Tue Apr 26 17:00:00 CEST 2011