Grammar Implementation with TAG

XMG - eXtensible MetaGrammar (3)

08. June 2011

Timm Lichte

Exercises for June 8:

    Lets start with the MG in ~/xmg/gimpl-xtag-2.xmg:

  1. Simplify the XMG-code, such that
  2. Add the class alphaW0nx0Vnx1 for subject extraction!
  3. Add the class Tnx0Vnx1 that includes alphanx0Vnx1, alphaW1nx0Vnx1, and alphaW0nx0Vnx1 by disjunction ("|")!

  4. The next exercises are concerned with features:

  5. Add the feature case to the class Tnx0Vnx1 (i.e. its subclasses) according to the lecture!
  6. Add the complex feature arg to the class Tnx0Vnx1 (i.e. its subclasses) according to the lecture!

  7. Finally, the next exercise is concerned with NPs:

  8. Implement the tree template for nouns (alphaN), determiners (betaDnx with definite) and adjectives (betaAn)! Watch out for the correct projection of arg and case!

  9. Now you should be in a position to do the following properly:

  10. Implement classes for raising and control including all features from the lecture! You may choose one tree template for each.

Timm Lichte
Last modified: Tue May 31 22:45:46 CEST 2011