Lady Philosophy

John Gower


Confessio Amantis

Book VII: Genius talks about Science
and the Seven Liberal Arts


Sokrates and Plato



7.131: Theologie in such a wise
: Of hih science and hih aprise
7.133: Above alle othre stant unlike,
7.134: And is the ferste of Theorique.
7.135: Phisique is after the secounde,
7.136: Thurgh which the Philosophre hath founde
7.137: To techen sondri knowlechinges
7.138: Upon the bodiliche thinges.
7.139: Of man, of beste, of herbe, of ston,
7.140: Of fissch, of foughl, of everychon
7.141: That ben of bodely substance,
7.142: The nature and the circumstance
7.143: Thurgh this science it is ful soght,
7.144: Which vaileth and which vaileth noght.
7.145: The thridde point of Theorique,
7.146: Which cleped is Mathematique,
7.147: Devided is in sondri wise
7.148: And stant upon diverse aprise.
7.149: The ferste of whiche is Arsmetique,
7.150: And the secounde is seid Musique,
7.151: The thridde is ek Geometrie,
7.152: Also the ferthe Astronomie.

Above alle erthli creatures
7.1508: The hihe makere of natures
7.1509: The word to man hath yove alone,
7.1510: So that the speche of his persone,
7.1511: Or forto lese or forto winne,
7.1512: The hertes thoght which is withinne
7.1513: Mai schewe, what it wolde mene;
And that is noghwhere elles sene
7.1515: Of kinde with non other beste.
7.1516: So scholde he be the more honeste,
7.1517: To whom god yaf so gret a yifte,
7.1518: And loke wel that he ne schifte
7.1519: Hise wordes to no wicked us;
7.1520: For word the techer of vertus
7.1521: Is cleped in Philosophie.
7.1522: Wherof touchende this partie,
7.1523: Is Rethorique the science
7.1524: Appropred to the reverence
7.1525: Of wordes that ben resonable:
7.1526: And for this art schal be vailable
7.1527: With goodli wordes forto like,
7.1528: It hath Gramaire, it hath Logiqe,
7.1529: That serven bothe unto the speche.
7.1530: Gramaire ferste hath forto teche
7.1531: To speke upon congruite:
7.1532: Logique hath eke in his degre
7.1533: Betwen the trouthe and the falshode
7.1534: The pleine wordes forto schode,
7.1535: So that nothing schal go beside,
7.1536: That he the riht ne schal decide.
7.1537: Wherof full many a gret debat
7.1538: Reformed is to good astat,
7.1539: And pes sustiened up alofte
7.1540: With esy wordes and with softe,
7.1541: Wher strengthe scholde lete it falle.
7.1542: The Philosophre amonges alle
7.1543: Forthi commendeth this science,
7.1544: Which hath the reule of eloquence.

The Quadrivium:





The Trivium



Dialectica (Logica)


On Gower:
About the Seven Liberal Arts:
The Seven Liberal Arts in Art and Architecture:

Lady Philosophy and the Septem Artes Liberales.
Hortus Delicarium by Herrad von Landsberg (ca. 1180)
About Herrad von Landsberg:
Explanation of the image: